
Doctor please can you tell me why
My hair is falling and my skin is dry?
My head is aching and I can’t stop crying,
Surely doctor I must be dying?

I’m always grumpy and I cannot sleep
But at the end of the day I crash in a heap.
My brain is foggy and I’ve put on weight
And any opinion I will always debate .

Oh my God , did you turn up the heat?
I’m sweating so much I’m stuck to the seat.
Can you help me ’cause it is such a pain,
If you know what it is can you please explain?

Well Madame , I think I know the cause
It’s a little thing they call Menopause.
Its something all women have to go through,
So it happens to all women not just you.

It may last a few weeks or for 30 years
So really there is no need for those tears.
Try meditation or some natural hormones
I’m sure that should ease all of your moans.

Doctor, isn’t there a pill you can prescribe?
If you don’t I think I’ll commit a homicide.
Do you really want that on your conscience?
So forget all about this natural nonsense.

I really don’t think I can take any more .
So give me HRT before I walk out that door.
I don’t care how much it costs, I will pay !
Why Thankyou doctor , have a nice day 😉

By Julie Scott 2016