Missing Socks

Missing Socks
Please can you tell me ?
Does anyone know ?
Where do all of my
missing socks go ?
I swear there were two
of them there yesterday
Now there is only one
And I’m left in dismay .
I checked carefully before
putting them in the machine
Now one is gone
Nowhere to be seen.
Is there a sock thief
Who takes great delight
In breaking into houses
Very late at night
And stealing one sock
Just out of spite.
It’s an outrage !
It just isn’t right !

Could it be a fairy who
needs some new clothes?
Or some little creature
Who likes warming his nose?
It’s a dilemma that is
Hard to explain .
Maybe they simply
go down the drain.

I’m sure it’s perplexed
Greater brains than mine ,
I can just imagine
Albert Einstein
Turning to his wife
After pondering a theory,
Looking down at his feet
And posing the query
Where are my socks ?
I have none that match !
What is this mischief
This thief we must catch !
I can work out that E. equals
em cee squared
But tell me why my
socks can’t be paired!!

Something so simple
But inspires so much passion,
Surely it’s time
That we start a new fashion?
Let’s make odd socks
The next big trend
Get out those singles
And find them a friend
So a pink with a green
Or a stripe with a dot
Put them together
wear what you’ve got .
And If the sock thief visits
It won’t be a big deal .
He will be confused
And won’t know
which ones to steal .
By Julie Scott 2016


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