The Nagger

Anyone with teenage sons will identify with this. Cheers ?

The Nagger.
Piles of towels on the bathroom floor.
Can you please hang them up
and use them once more?
Those dirty dishes on the end of your bed
Do you think you could put them in the sink instead ?
Could please stick to 3 minute showers ?
And not stay in there for hours and hours
Would it be too much for me to ask
That you put things away when you finish a task ?
Oh you’d like to borrow money for takeaway ?
So I’ll throw that roast dinner I made away.
You can’t take out the Rubbish cause you’re feeling sick ?
You chased that rare Pokemon down pretty quick .
You just keep on with that PlayStation
I’m sure it will help any future vocation .
I’m sure there’s lots of employers who’ll pay ,
You to sit around and and play games all day .
I’m such a nagger as you can see
It’s not your fault it’s all just me
Yes I do pick on you all of the time
It must be time for that glass of wine .


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